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2061 is a film about time and the traces that the passage of time leaves in and around us.
There is a glorious and reassuring past in which the future is a promise and a dream that will come true.
There is a present made of rubble of that betrayed promise reduced to tatters.
And then there is HE who, arriving from the future, in a present of solitude, seeks a vain and sweet relief in his memory.





This film, through the filming and home movies of which it is composed, portrays in the past and in the present the area of Turin which in 1961 was the scene of the ITALIA '61 international labor exhibition. On that occasion, an entire neighborhood was built to celebrate, through futuristic works, the progress and well-being of Italy during the economic boom. '61 was also the year in which immigration from the south to northern Italy reached its peak and it was these "new Turinese", coming from all regions of Italy, who went en masse to visit the 'exposure. Today, together with the Moroccan poet and immigrant Mohamed Amine Bour, we cross these places like aliens from a future that already appears old, to reflect on what is left of that promise of progress and to abandon ourselves to the pampering of memory.




Regia/Director: Danilo Monte

Con/With: Mohamed Amine Bour

Fotografia/Cinematography: Danilo Monte

Montaggio/Editing: Danilo Monte

Sound Design: Danilo Monte

Color Correction: Danilo Monte

Poesia/Poetry: “Piazza Vittorio” di Mohamed Amine Bour

Didascalie/Didascalies: Alessandro Aniballi

Immagini 8mm/ 8mm Footage: Archivio Superottimisti (fondi: Castelli, Fenoil, Reteuna)


Registrazione audio/ Sound recording: Marco Montano (Arca Studios)


Produzione/Production: Polivisioni​


Running time: 9 min.

Year: 2021

Language: Italian (english subtitles)

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